Odia had to see momma’s new tan and non-black clothes. So we metup at Toe Beans Cat Cafe & Rescue. We played Chatterbox for a few minutes. All the questions were crummy. Till the last one about how you’d like to die. It opened up a whole existential conversation about being alive… and not.
My skin’s darker than Odia’s now! Was she happy? Of course not! Now she says I’m too short!!!

Toe Beans Cat Cafe & Rescue
Love cats? Love coffee? You’ll find the perfect combination of both at Toe Beans Cat Cafe & Rescue, where we even have adoptable cats! So come have a coffee and take home a new friend. Or just come get your toe bean fix.
coffeehouse • autum • bakery
The existential “what is life” conversation reminded me of this crazy video I saw a few weeks ago and am still thinking about.
Yes, my life isn’t even a drop in the Pacific Ocean compared to the life of the Earth. And the life of the Earth isn’t even a drop in the Pacific Ocean compared to the life of the Milky Way galaxy. And the universe ends in a whimper. I knew all that.
This video describes the death of the last star and how at that time the universe enters an inconceivably long span of nothing but black holes. And then in some inconceivably distant future after that, the black holes evaporate. And when the last black hole evaporates, the universe is over. And time itself ends because it has no meaning.
Beyond all that, the video describes how life of any kind is impossible for almost the entire life of the universe. This little window where life is possible isn’t even a drop of water in the Pacific Ocean of trillions of trillions of trillions of years where no life of any kind is possible in the glacially slow crawling universe.
Sweet dreams.
Retired latex model. Flirt, tease & friend without benefits. Say “Hello!” I won’t bite! (not even if you want me to) Over the years so many “SL Killers” have come & gone: Cloud Party, Blue Mars, InWorldz, Sansar, HiFidelity, and more. Mostly gone now. Zuckerberg’s “Metaverse” is in trouble. Meanwhile, SL keeps pressing on. Even so, don’t take it for granted. SL could die, or changes to SL, or changes in your life, could cause this beautiful dream to end. Even if the dream does continue, beloved characters might exit the stage. Savor every moment.