Yesterday google informed me that I’m a best selling author! Today I learned that I’m also a Russian pop star!
Google makes me awesomer!
It’s amazing! The more I google myself, the awesomer and awesomer I seem to become! Thank you google!!!
Kate Nova / Катя Нова
Looks like Kate Nova / Катя Нова isn’t my “real” name but my “stage name” (if you don’t know, a “stage name” for fleshvatars is kind of like a “display name” for avatars! 🙂 My “real” name appears to be Екатерина Новожилова (Yekaterina Novozhilova)

Kate Nova / Катя Нова (the Russian pop star) Social Media
- wut? no mastodon???
Письма без ответа (Letters without reply)
Here’s 2 versions of my song Письма без ответа (Letters without reply). Both live, but the first a simple, at home acoustic version, and the second an electric version at a concert:
Kate Nova / Катя Нова October ’22 Concert

Сегодня у меня день Рождения
Kate Nova, Facebook, 10 October 2022, спасибо за поздравления и такие тёплые пожелания, предлагаю встретиться и отметить концертом 21 го октября в Москвариуме)
«Приглашаю вас на свой сольный концерт! Я долго аккумулировала новую музыку и наконец готова её отпустить, особенно сейчас, особенно на концерте 21 го числа, создав атмосферу добра, музыки, Мира и красоты. Нам всем нужна светлая энергия, надеюсь всем), приходите зарядиться музыкой.»
Today is my birthday✨, thanks for the congratulations and such warm wishes, I propose to meet and celebrate with a concert on October 21 at the Moskvarium)
Kate Nova, Facebook, 10 October 2022 (English translation by Google Translate)
“I invite you to my solo concert! I have been accumulating new music for a long time and I am finally ready to let it go, especially now, especially at the concert on the 21st, creating an atmosphere of kindness, music, Peace and beauty. We all need light energy, I hope everyone), come recharge with music.”
I don’t actually remember writing that. And IDK how I posted it on FB since THIS Kate Nova is banned from FB. (I made an account, posted 2 G-rated pictures, and was banned 30 minutes later. FB hates avatars. (Please don’t use it!))
Anyway, it looks like I, or my doppelganger, did write it. And, aww, my birthday! 🙂
More Kate Nova music videos!
Here’s a few more of “my” videos. You can find lots more on “my” YouTube channel!

Retired latex model. Flirt, tease & friend without benefits. Say “Hello!” I won’t bite! (not even if you want me to) Over the years so many “SL Killers” have come & gone: Cloud Party, Blue Mars, InWorldz, Sansar, HiFidelity, and more. Mostly gone now. Zuckerberg’s “Metaverse” is in trouble. Meanwhile, SL keeps pressing on. Even so, don’t take it for granted. SL could die, or changes to SL, or changes in your life, could cause this beautiful dream to end. Even if the dream does continue, beloved characters might exit the stage. Savor every moment.
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