I’d never been to Coven, but after seeing Kate’s post, I had to drop by and check it out. Dragged out my pre-SLCS Velour red skin and black clothes and got dressed up!
I’d only been dancing at Coven for about a minute when Obic introduced herself with a line you’ll probably only hear in SL:
(not making a pass) love your outfit/avatar
Obic Malaprop
Ha! You know you’re in SL if you have to introduce yourself with “Not hitting on you, but…”
We danced and talked for a good while. I got a mini-fashion show from Obic who had my same dress from Insomnia Angel. And we promised to meetup for a shopping trip. I hope that happens sometime soon!
Obic Malaprop

I’ve worn many hats and tried on many identities as an avatar. I’ve been young and I’ve been old. Skinny and full-figured. Black and white. And red and green. A cheerleader and a derby girl. A barista and a host. I’ve seen so much love and beauty, so much desire, so much hunger for love and connection in the virtual world. I’ve seen that hunger and need expressed in unhelpful and destructive ways. Ways that can make living in this world as frustrating as living in the first life we came from. I’m touched by the tiny acts of kindness that surround us every day. If we can make it here, we can make it anywhere.