Peak Lounge
When I was at Peak Lounge dancing with Cherry & Agnes we started talking about dance & music places we liked. I immediately mentioned Nuit as the most unique club I’ve experienced in SL. And then realized I haven’t been there in ages.

Nuit is only open 3 hours/week. 6 pm to 9 pm on Saturday. I tried to TP over around 6 pm and got a “Sorry, Region Full” message. I know some peeps hate these messages, but I feel like they’re doing me a favor. Rushing in to 0 FPS just isn’t that fun. Unfortunately, it’s been right around 1 million degrees here in the PW lately. Luckily, I have a swimming pool. So I went out and swam laps for an hour. Then I tried to visit Nuit around 7:30 pm and got right in. Me and 90 other avis!

Honey Mercury
I stood in the back for a minute. Marveling at all the orange clouds. Orange clouds that eventually gave way to misshapen mesh-less bodies and heads. Rather than wait half hour to see what I might see, I just plowed into the crowd and started dancing. I was mixing up various dances and “floating” animations. And who should be floating right next to me? Honey Mercury. After a while I just went for floating and happened to run the same animation that Honey was, so we floated in sync for a while. And chatted a bit.

Finn Mercury
Next I noticed this beautiful mermaid, Finn. I didn’t look at their last names and didn’t realize that they were both “Mercury”. I chatted with Finn not realizing I was also chatting with her GF.

Nirea Mercury
In all the visual splendor I failed to look one more person over and didn’t see that the 3rd part of the “Trouple”, Nirea Mercury was also there. Oh, and Nirea created Nuit!
SL “nuit” group: The official group for club nuit. Notices for our shows will be posted here!
- Landmark:
- Events calendar:
- Sexy Flickr:

“Show Friends Only”
After telling Honey how amazing she looked, I had to ask if she’d glued the rhinestones all over her body by hand. She had! I said what a project taking them all off would be. Honey commented that she’d just have here girlfriend(s) do it.
I said it was worth it for how amazing she looked. And Honey said,
I wish I could say the same about you, but I have to go to friends only when I’m here — lol — but I’m sure you look amazing as well!
The whole time *I* had been dancing/floating “with” Honey, *she* didn’t even see me in the room. Oh the magic of our mediated media age!
And I learned that at the bottom of the Firestorm World menu is “Show Friends Only” which does exactly that. Must be crazy helpful for FPS at a mega-crowded spot like Nuit!

Aero Bigboots & Finn Mercury standing/floating on air somewhere over the SL grid.
I’ve worn many hats and tried on many identities as an avatar. I’ve been young and I’ve been old. Skinny and full-figured. Black and white. And red and green. A cheerleader and a derby girl. A barista and a host. I’ve seen so much love and beauty, so much desire, so much hunger for love and connection in the virtual world. I’ve seen that hunger and need expressed in unhelpful and destructive ways. Ways that can make living in this world as frustrating as living in the first life we came from. I’m touched by the tiny acts of kindness that surround us every day. If we can make it here, we can make it anywhere.