In 2008, University of California, Irvine Anthropologist Tom Boellstorff published his book Coming of Age in Second Life. Later that same year I signed up and made an SL avatar. Now, 14 years later, I think I’m old enough to read his book!
Tom Boellstorff

I just got my copy and read the table of contents to Baby Cygnus. Wow! Everything he looked at in the first years of SL, pre-2008, are the things I think about now in 2022. I probably should have read his book a long time ago, nonetheless I’m happy to be reading it now!
Baby Cygnus didn’t have a lot to say, but his older sister Baby Triangulum commented about the book,
Mmm, bweh weh, eh eh, ahhhh
Triangulum Nova

Retired latex model. Flirt, tease & friend without benefits. Say “Hello!” I won’t bite! (not even if you want me to) Over the years so many “SL Killers” have come & gone: Cloud Party, Blue Mars, InWorldz, Sansar, HiFidelity, and more. Mostly gone now. Zuckerberg’s “Metaverse” is in trouble. Meanwhile, SL keeps pressing on. Even so, don’t take it for granted. SL could die, or changes to SL, or changes in your life, could cause this beautiful dream to end. Even if the dream does continue, beloved characters might exit the stage. Savor every moment.