I AM excited for what 2024 will bring. But, I must confess, I’m not much of a New Year’s Eve party reveler. My chipped nail polish and I will probably be in bed by 9 pm! I like to fill my Second Life with stomping around SIMs, traveling on trains, gravitating to graveyards, and most importantly, operating the best virtual coffee shop you’ve never been to: JAZZMINH’S RIVERSIDE COFFEE.
Whether you’re up early on New Year’s Day like me… or never went to sleep on NY Eve, swing by Jazzminh’s for great coffee and delicious baked goods!

I’m an Urbanist! I’m into bikes, transit, and walkable cities. I’ll walk instead of TP if I can. Is that possible in SL? Not entirely! Ban lines, security orbs, curtain walls & “fake” sculpted land that traps you between it and the actual ground all make it hard. But I try! If I can walk I will. I blog about my adventures on the railway systems of SL. Jane Jacobs’ book The Death and Life of Great American Cities is a bible for me. I try to live my avatar life consistent with her ideas.
I love Guest books! It’s so great that you can wander by someone’s small, cozy parcel and leave a little note that you were there. And read notes from others who have made this similar discovery at some earlier time. I love SL memorials and cemeteries. They’re bittersweet to be sure. But a world that appreciates lives lost, also appreciates lives being lived. It’s an incredible virtual world!