Saucey Sinister
OMG, I’m back! And the first person I run into? Legendary Kinky Kawaii designer Saucey Sinister in her new home at the A Town Called Short Leash business and play district.
It was sweet to see Saucey even if she did make fun of me for still wearing an ancient system avatar. Oh, alright! I’ll head out tomorrow and go mesh! For one last night I can still be, “so 2009!“
Retired latex model. Flirt, tease & friend without benefits. Say “Hello!” I won’t bite! (not even if you want me to) Over the years so many “SL Killers” have come & gone: Cloud Party, Blue Mars, InWorldz, Sansar, HiFidelity, and more. Mostly gone now. Zuckerberg’s “Metaverse” is in trouble. Meanwhile, SL keeps pressing on. Even so, don’t take it for granted. SL could die, or changes to SL, or changes in your life, could cause this beautiful dream to end. Even if the dream does continue, beloved characters might exit the stage. Savor every moment.