I was out wandering the grid today and came across a memorial for Lavendermist McTeague.

- Vaoetere/87/190/24
- slnewser.blogspot.com/2012/01/in-memory-of-lavendermist-mcteague.html
- slnewserevents.blogspot.com/2012/01/bagpipe-funeral-for-lavendermist.html

It was sad to hear and think about the life of this person I’d never met. But also lovely that this 512 m2 parcel has been remembering her for almost 11 years now. She was pretty damn stylish for 2012! I can only imagine what she might look like and wear today in the mesh era.
I’ve heard that the average grave in the average physical world cemetery is visited less than 1 time ever after the initial burial. People like me wandering the Second Life grid must come across Lavendermist’s memorial more often than that. Plus, it has way cooler photos than physical world gravestones ever have.
I’m sorry I never met you, Lavendermist.
But glad you had a time to spend in these worlds.
And that you’re remembered so sweetly by your loved ones.

I’m an Urbanist! I’m into bikes, transit, and walkable cities. I’ll walk instead of TP if I can. Is that possible in SL? Not entirely! Ban lines, security orbs, curtain walls & “fake” sculpted land that traps you between it and the actual ground all make it hard. But I try! If I can walk I will. I blog about my adventures on the railway systems of SL. Jane Jacobs’ book The Death and Life of Great American Cities is a bible for me. I try to live my avatar life consistent with her ideas.
I love Guest books! It’s so great that you can wander by someone’s small, cozy parcel and leave a little note that you were there. And read notes from others who have made this similar discovery at some earlier time. I love SL memorials and cemeteries. They’re bittersweet to be sure. But a world that appreciates lives lost, also appreciates lives being lived. It’s an incredible virtual world!