Corrie Jean Fairfield (, ღ Amber Hazel K. Rivers ღ (bongziehaze), Luna Geordie (lunara.atheria), Kylie Solus (chuckye.baker), and I went shopping for $hoes!!!
Of course, with Dancer Luna + DJ Amber, the trip will have to feature an impromptu dance segment!

We all got Phedora’s new “Kim” ankle boots. They’re big and bad! Corrie wanted a different outfit to go with her new boots so we went to Addams Clothing.
- Phedora Shoes: Thorin/183/39/23
- Addams Clothing: Addams Clothing/237/127/29
And then at Addams Luna started dancing. And then Amber started DJing. And then it kind of turned into a big flashmob dance party!

- Blueberry: Lenox and Blueberry/252/133/24
- SL Burning Man: Burning Man- Deep Hole/144/150/29

I’ve worn many hats and tried on many identities as an avatar. I’ve been young and I’ve been old. Skinny and full-figured. Black and white. And red and green. A cheerleader and a derby girl. A barista and a host. I’ve seen so much love and beauty, so much desire, so much hunger for love and connection in the virtual world. I’ve seen that hunger and need expressed in unhelpful and destructive ways. Ways that can make living in this world as frustrating as living in the first life we came from. I’m touched by the tiny acts of kindness that surround us every day. If we can make it here, we can make it anywhere.
This was such a great time!!! I am so glad I was able shake my booty with all of you!
Thanks so much, Corrie! You were the first person on the trip!!!
Well, that, and you only have to say the word “Shoes” and Luna’s on board!! 😛
When the power great of minds come together, amazing things happen. A recipe is only as good as its ingredients. We are only the bakers. Today we made some damn good Cookies!
Yes, Amber, what a fun day!!!
But wait? Cookies???
I missed the cookies!
We still need those!!!
Aero starts heating the ovens in the Spitfire Grill kitchen…….