SL Profiles in different Viewers
Samples of Second Life Resident Profiles as displayed by 10 different SL Viewers.
Samples of Second Life Resident Profiles as displayed by 10 different SL Viewers.
Fun with Physical Prims and the Sounds they make!
Over the years there must have been many thousands of Second Life blogs! But how many are still active here in 2024? Let’s make a list!
Is anything we do in SL “real”? Is it all “performance”? Is that bad? Do we spend too much time in dreams? Where is meaning? What is valuable?
Some thoughts on the end of one year. And the beginning of the next. With a bit of reverie and a resolution or two.
In 2008 University of California, Irvine Anthropologist Tom Boellstorff published his book Coming of Age in Second Life. Later that same year I signed up and made an SL avatar. Now, 14 years later, I think I’m old enough to read his book!
SL Photo Challenge: Create your best depiction of Goblin Mode!
The NCAA has ruled Cheerleading not a sport. The American Medical Association says that Cheerleading is a sport. Different courts have ruled both ways. What is a sport? And whatever a sport is, is Cheerleading that?
t’s my 8th Rezday today and Second Life sent me a birthday card – yay!
Mark Rothko’s Chapel. My Photoblog. Both strive to create a space to deeply experience something. What does that mean? Let’s think about how software platforms & hardware choices do or don’t afford deep experience.