Cheerometer 4.0 Road Map
Based on Squad feedback from our survey, we have developed this roadmap for implementing the Cheer-o-meter Level System.
Based on Squad feedback from our survey, we have developed this roadmap for implementing the Cheer-o-meter Level System.
30 Cheerleaders filled out the SLCS Level System Survey. Here are the results.
Cheerleader Feedback and a new Survey on our “Cheerometer” proposal.
Gwynevery Golightly & Aero Bigboots have been talking with SLCS CIO Sayrah Parx about the possibility of updating the SLCS Rank Controller algorithm.
Sayrah Parx, Gwynevery Golightly, and I have been discussing reformulating how the SLCS Rank Controller distributes points. More points for this sort of activity, less points for that sort, and so on. It’s a bit like trying to reform the tax code! One issue we’ve discussed is time to Level Up.
What if we modified the SLCS Rank Controller and levels of Cheerleader away from a military model of Lieutenants and Captains to a more participation, achievement, and community-based model of Pom Pom colors?