Cheerometer 4.0 Road Map
Based on Squad feedback from our survey, we have developed this roadmap for implementing the Cheer-o-meter Level System.
Based on Squad feedback from our survey, we have developed this roadmap for implementing the Cheer-o-meter Level System.
30 Cheerleaders filled out the SLCS Level System Survey. Here are the results.
Cheerleader Feedback and a new Survey on our “Cheerometer” proposal.
We asked ChatGPT to tell us about Cheerleading! ChatGPT talked about becoming a cheerleader, the history of pompoms & uniforms, and also explained “cheer spirit” and “sororal values”. Thank ChatGPT!
Gwynevery Golightly & Aero Bigboots have been talking with SLCS CIO Sayrah Parx about the possibility of updating the SLCS Rank Controller algorithm.
Sayrah Parx, Gwynevery Golightly, and I have been discussing reformulating how the SLCS Rank Controller distributes points. More points for this sort of activity, less points for that sort, and so on. It’s a bit like trying to reform the tax code! One issue we’ve discussed is time to Level Up.