Happy Ansar @ Wet Kitty
Dancing with Happy Ansar at The Wet Kitty.
Dancing with Happy Ansar at The Wet Kitty.
Just me. Wearing a big, psychedelic Tunaverse hat.
OMG! Jami stuck my face on her big screen TV!
Dancing at Tuna Oddfellow’s “Tunaverse” with Jami Mills and Forceme Silverspar.
Business meeting with my publisher, Forceme Silverspar. She hired me to write fashion and other interviews for her many blogs.
New dresses & shoes with Shayna!
Happy Ansar came to visit me at POC.
Bad schoolgirls must be punished. Or so Clem told us. And then wacked our butts with her stiff cane!
Kate Nova & Charly December “working” at Kai Heideman’s latex shop Powers of Creation in Second Life.
Happy Ansar and I went to my friend Emma Claire’s house to visit with her and her babies!
Forceme teaching class at Bonanza Ranch
Taking pix with Forceme.
Pose shopping (and sampling) with Jami.